On the 6th my father and I went to Valentines
Park . We were walking around the lake when I heard
a Goldcrest singing from a stand of conifers.
We waited only a little while before the tiny little bird popped up. After standing there for ten minutes we noticed
that the Goldcrest kept coming back to the same branch, I then realized it was
going in with food. There was only one conclusion, it must have a nest in the
branch! And I saw my first Stock dove!
On the 12th we went to Rainham Marshes, I saw my first Sedge Warbler there,
making his chattering song! In the woodland area we came across a sunbathing
Wren, a family of Reed warblers and a Whitethroat. All together we saw 36 species of bird! The
Spoonbill had been my goal bird, I was gutted to find out it was at LWC Barnes.

By the time we left we had seen 37 species of bird, better
than Rainham! It’s a brilliant reserve and we’re thinking of going there again
for the free guided walk.
You have a very cool blog! Congratulations :D