On the 6th my father and I went to Valentines
Park . We were walking around the lake when I heard
a Goldcrest singing from a stand of conifers.
We waited only a little while before the tiny little bird popped up. After standing there for ten minutes we noticed
that the Goldcrest kept coming back to the same branch, I then realized it was
going in with food. There was only one conclusion, it must have a nest in the
branch! And I saw my first Stock dove!
On the 12th we went to Rainham Marshes, I saw my first Sedge Warbler there,
making his chattering song! In the woodland area we came across a sunbathing
Wren, a family of Reed warblers and a Whitethroat. All together we saw 36 species of bird! The
Spoonbill had been my goal bird, I was gutted to find out it was at LWC Barnes.
Today, the 13th, my uncle Iain, my Father and I went
to Wat Tyler
Country Park .
By the time we got into the hide we had already seen 20 species of bird. We
went in the hide and to my surprise saw eleven Avocets lined up on an island! It
was a long way away, but looking through my scope I could make out a fluffy
grey thing with one of the adults, which I think was a chick! Considering I had
never seen one before I was extremely happy! Other birds from the hide: a Lapwing
with three chicks, Mallard, Greylag Geese, Teal, Cormorant, Reed Warbler etc
By the time we left we had seen 37 species of bird, better
than Rainham! It’s a brilliant reserve and we’re thinking of going there again
for the free guided walk.
You have a very cool blog! Congratulations :D