Sunday, 9 March 2014

The Spring Change...

Ah, how nice it was to get back on the patch after nearly a four week absence.  A lot had changed in that time, with the improved weather, Spring had started to set in.  And the last few days had been no exception with barely a cloud in view.  Bees are once again becoming a frequent sight and there are now hundreds of Daffodils.  One of the pairs of Egyptian Geese already have six Goslings.  Although they do seem to have made a habit of nesting early, and also surprisingly late - they once had a brood in September. Spring really is on its way.  Seeing a Redwing felt just slightly wrong.
 Valentino, as would be expected has now moved on, and despite recent sightings, the Kingfisher is still proving elusive, for me at least.  However I did manage to see a Coal Tit, which was the first on the patch this year, taking the patch year-list up to 45, edging ever closer to the overall 57 I've seen on the patch.  

 From past experience the goslings usually have an unfortunately high mortality rate, mostly due to Crows, Herons, and of course, dogs.  This brood however seems to be doing remarkably well, with no chicks lost in the four days since I first saw them. Although they are still very young, a week at the most, so there's a long time to go yet....

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